Monday, May 17, 2010

juju dhau of bhaktapur

Bhaktapur (juju dhau) curd
It is famous for the curd which is also known as the juju dhau. The curd of the bhaktapur is very much tasty and delicious . due to which it is a part of the bhaktapu r people . it is not only known for it in Nepal only but in the whole world. The quantity of the curd would be increased if it is done in the dairy but the quality could not be increased . the curd making is culture in the bhaktapur district . the curd is good for the health and very much tasty .in past the curd was taken as the pride for the big perronality person . due to the great person and ruler has used the curd it has come in the Nepal . and the person who made the delicious curd is taken as the pride and given the respect in the society .
How the curd is made ?
The milk of the buffalo is boiled it is good if the milk is boiled in the iron pot . because if boiled in iron pot there is less chance of burned and does not get cold immediately . it would be good if boiled in the firewood . while the milk is boiled according to the taste sukmal, alichi are kept by making the powder . the milk should be boiled in the room which is neither too cold nor to hot . and the milk is poured in the clay pot in the difference of 5-10 minuate . and the milk is kept coverered in that pot by a clean cloth for 4-6 hours and the curd is ready which is delicious and identity for the bhaktapur people . the curd (juju dhau) is made in this way .
But it is difficult to make it than it seem in reality .
Juju dhau is also made in the lalitpur and kathmandu district . but the curd made in the bhaktapur is very delicious than other places .
The importance of the curd
In newari culture the curd is essential and it is needed in every food material of newari . it is used


The second highest biggest festival in Nepal tihar is celebrated for the five days o the first day of the five day ling festival people worship crows this day is known as crow puga
The crow is taken as a message of yama the god of death and worshiped on this day people offer delicious food items to crows in the morning before taking meal
The second day is celebrated as kukur tihar on this day the dog are gathered and fed delicious food items in recognition to their service to their mankind . according to the legends dogs guard the entrance to the kingdom of yama . the third day id celebrated as laxmi puga the goddess of wealth prayers are offered to the laxmi cow is worshiped in the morning while laxmi is worshipped at night .
Devoted believe that laxmi visits their home at night to check who are lying awake. Many people stay awake hoping that the goddess will be pleased and shower them with wealth. the fifth day is celebrated as bhai tika on this day the brothers are worshiped by their sisters for well being and prosperity of their brother put seven colored tika n their forehead brothers also put tika on the foreheads of their sister and present them gift to them . tihar is also known as the festival of lights because in the tihar diyao (earthen lamps ) and candles are ,lighten during the festival inside and around the houses electric lights are twinkle everywhere . Also giving the fed of tihar. People visit households to play deusi and bhailo. A lot people also take gamble during tihar.
Fire crackers are being smuggled and in t o the country and used. The fire the cracker during the festival.

hanuman dhoka

Hanuman dhoka
The kathmandu the capital city if Nepal is surely one of the world most amazing cities being endowed with very large number of ancient monuments historic temples and other interesting and unusual sights
Three chowks at hanuman dhoka are:
nasal chowk : passing through the golden door one enters into it largest of 10 country yards found in the hanumandhoka .palace. it is frequently mentioned in historical literature dealing with the malla period as well as well as in the documents id different shah kings . many of the building that surround the country yard date from the shah period but a fair promotion dates back to an earlier period . Most of the art periods and objects and images are from the mall a dynasty.
on the eastern side of the chowk there is small shine of the nasaleshwor from which the country yard gets its name . during the malla period it served as a sort of royal treasure where dances to be performed for the palaces were practiced and presented . this chowk was regularly used for meeting the between the kings and his subjects it was here that king meet his subjects during the shah period it took even greater importance . the malla practice of conducting the coronation rites inside mul chowk were set aside during the shah period and and the coronation of the kings of the Nepal subsequently were held in the much larger and more public and nasal chowk . the court yard is rectangular teeth the main entrance situated at the northern end immediately to the left is the open audience chamber of the malla kings with the old main throne still occupy ing a a position of prominence. At the far end raising a full nine storey is a basantapur durbar palace built by king prithvi narayan shah soon after the unification of the country .
mohan chowk and: to the northern of nasal chowk residence of malla kings of kathmandu . it was built in 1969 by king pratap malla (1641-74) and later repaired abd modernasised during the reign of kung rajendra bikram shah in 1822. one of the central features of it is the sundhara or the golden water spout bringing water from the budanilkantha eight km far north of the city to the palace was a accomplished pratap malla celebrated the event by erecting this fabulous setting for the new spout from the poured cool and clear water . the sundhara is about 3.5 meter below ground level so one has to desend to it the spout itself is a sculptor dream id irds abd beasts Waukee rge walks around it are kined with 36 images of gods and goddess all of them beautiful works of the art in these magnificent surroundings the king of Katmandu performed his morning ritual a bathing ceremonies and then ascended to the large stone throne above the sundhara to complete his morning ceremonies
on the northern wall of the quadrangle is a lengthy inscription of king pratap malla setting out the arrangements made it finance the workship of his many deities above this inscription are two rows of images affixed to the wall to the wall the images are in the upper rows show the 10 incarnations of Vishnu and various scenes of Krishna at play all perfectly in keeping with the religious tones of this chowk . there are also some images commemorating one of the earliest contacts between Katmandu and the west .
basantapur chowk : at the south east corner of the nasal chowk is exit through which one can pass into the basantapur durbar . during the time of the king prithve narayan shah the shah kings moved from old quarters formerly occupied by the malla kings into this section of the palace . while the woodcarving in the central country yard are an especially outstanding features the whole building is of equal historic value to all Nepalese .
the nine storied palace of prithivi narayan shah called the basantapur durbar is on the south west of the quadrangle . the tower on the south east corner is known as lalitpur tower .. bhaktapur tower is on the north east corner r while kirtipur tower is on the north west . The other tower pale is in the comparison to the basantapur tower in terms of the height.
it is the mark of pride today that king pith caravan ash saw fit to built his Katmandu palace in nepali styles thus not only showing his appreciation for the merits of the traditional artichetecture of the valley and also establishing a firm presedent that was to continue during the coming centuries